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Things Landlords Should Be Doing Every Year but Probably Aren’t

As a landlord, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of managing properties, handling tenant requests, and keeping up with the financial aspects of your real estate investments. However, there are several crucial tasks that often get overlooked but should be performed annually to maintain your properties, ensure tenant satisfaction, and protect your investment. 

Keep reading this article to discover things landlords should be doing every year but probably aren’t:


Conduct Comprehensive Property Inspections

While many landlords perform move-in and move-out inspections, annual comprehensive property inspections are essential. These inspections help identify maintenance issues that tenants might not report. Check for signs of wear and tear, water damage, pest infestations, and ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly. Early detection of issues can prevent costly repairs and maintain the property’s value.


Review and Update Lease Agreements

Lease agreements should not be static documents. Laws and regulations can change, and what worked last year might not be applicable this year. Reviewing and updating lease agreements annually ensures they comply with current laws and reflect any changes in your policies or the property’s conditions. This can protect you from potential legal issues and misunderstandings with tenants.

a person typing on a computer


Reevaluate Rent Prices

Market conditions fluctuate, and what was a fair rent last year might be too low or too high this year. Conducting an annual market analysis helps you stay competitive and ensures you’re getting a fair return on your investment. You also need to adjust rent based on the current market to maximize your income while remaining fair to your tenants.


Check for Tax Deductions and Credits

Tax laws can change annually, and so can your eligibility for various deductions and credits. Reviewing your finances and consulting with a tax professional every year can help you identify potential tax savings. This might include deductions for property repairs, mortgage interest, property management fees, and so on. You need to stay on top of this as it can significantly impact your bottom line.


Refresh Marketing Strategies

Even if your property is fully occupied, it’s important to have a marketing strategy in place. Review your current marketing efforts annually and adjust them as needed. This includes updating your online listings, improving your property’s online presence, and using social media effectively. A strong marketing strategy ensures you attract quality tenants when there are vacancies.


Evaluate Insurance Coverage

Your insurance needs can change over time. Reviewing your insurance policies annually ensures you have adequate coverage for the property and any liabilities. This includes checking for sufficient coverage on the building, liability insurance, and any additional coverage you might need based on changes in the property or its use.



Improve Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is not only good for the environment but also for your finances. Conduct an annual energy audit to identify areas where you can improve efficiency. This might include upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, sealing windows and doors, or installing programmable thermostats. These improvements can reduce utility costs, which can be a selling point for potential tenants.


Enhance Property Aesthetics

The appeal of your property plays a significant role in attracting and retaining tenants. Every year, take the time to assess and enhance the property’s aesthetics. This might involve landscaping, repainting common areas, or updating fixtures. Small improvements can make a big difference in the overall appeal of your property.


Build Relationships with Tenants

Good landlord-tenant relationships can lead to longer tenancy and fewer disputes. Make an effort to connect with your tenants annually. This can be as simple as sending out a survey to gather feedback or hosting a small event. Understanding their needs and concerns can help you make improvements that increase tenant satisfaction and retention.


Stay Informed on Legal and Regulatory Changes

Real estate laws and regulations are constantly evolving. Staying informed about changes that affect landlords is crucial. This might involve attending local landlord association meetings, subscribing to industry newsletters, or consulting with a real estate attorney. Being proactive about legal changes can help you avoid costly penalties and ensure you’re in compliance with all regulations.



Update Emergency Preparedness Plans

Emergencies can happen at any time, and being prepared is key. Annually review and update your emergency preparedness plans. Ensure that all safety equipment is in working order, emergency contacts are current, and tenants are aware of the procedures. Having a solid plan in place can minimize damage and keep your tenants safe.


Reviewing Vendor Contracts and Service Agreements

The vendors and service providers you work with can significantly impact the maintenance and operation of your investment property. Review contracts and service agreements annually to ensure you’re getting the best value and service. This includes contracts with landscapers, cleaning services, and maintenance providers. Negotiating better terms or switching to more reliable vendors can improve the efficiency and upkeep of your property.


Performing Financial Health Checks

An annual financial health check helps you understand the profitability of your property. Review your income and expenses, and compare them to previous years. This can help you identify trends, manage expenses, and make informed decisions about rent adjustments, improvements, or expansions. Keeping a close eye on your finances ensures you’re making the most of your investment.



By incorporating these annual tasks into your property management routine, you can improve the overall condition of your property, increase tenant satisfaction, and protect your investment.

While some of these tasks might require an upfront investment of time and money, they can save you significant amounts in the long run and ensure a smooth and profitable operation.

It’s best to work with a professional property management company like IPM Property Management to ensure these things will not be overlooked.



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